A little about me, IT pro, Open-source and Linux enthusiast. Decided to switch to Linux full time after Windows 11 was announced. Soon after that, I fell for the meme and decided to install Arch Linux. I was hooked. It was an amazing learning experience. But I was still eager to learn more. So I installed Gentoo… And that, has been one of my best decisions. Gentoo is by far the most intuitive and “beginner-friendly” distros out there. The documentation is superb, and the package manager is the easiest and most helpful to use.

In between my Arch and Gentoo journey, I discovered Raspberry Pi and home-labbing. After that, everything changed. Now I have my own home lab. I started with a pi now it’s grown to a full fledge enterprise server, and a custom pfSense box running on an old think pad x220.

There’s still room for me to grow, but now I can test multiple different technologies and services, that’ll make me a better IT and network engineer.