Incredibly useful CLI tools that’ll improve your workflow.

In this post, I’ll present you with a few CLI tools that can improve your workflow tremendously.


This first tool is a command prompt, but it’s an easily configurable command prompt that’ll give you all the useful information you’ll ever need. You can even run your own custom commands and show any information you want. I have a few taskwarrior commands running telling me when I have an urgent, overdue or due soon task. Here’s a snippet of what it looks like.


You can download the prompt for your shell here.


An Incredibly extensible fuzzy finder that can be used with almost any program. It has a lot of functionality out of the box, but its biggest selling point is what it can do with other stuff. You can use it instead of grep to find things, or integrate with tmux to start sessions.

Checkout fzf here.


This is probably one of the most useful tools for lazy people. This command allows you to jump to any directory as long as you “cd” into it first. For example, I could have a dir that I always go to: ~/.local/.src/sites/munozpi/ I could just z mun and it’ll go to munozpi. You don’t even have to type the entire name out. Zoxide also remembers your most frequented directories.

Checkout zoxide here.


I’ll make a separate post on this later, but basically this is rsync but for cloud storage. You can copy or sync any directory to many different cloud storages (they support a lot). This is the tool you always thought you needed but didn’t know it existed. Well, it does. Now that’s one less thing you’ll have to do on the browser.

Checkout rclone here.


Another tool that I’ll make a separate post for, but basically tmux is an extensible terminal multiplexer that lets you split your terminal into windows and panes. You can run your own scripts and have them startup every time you turn own your computer. For example, I have a tmux script starts up my zettelkasten every time I start up my machine.

Checkout tmux here.

Those are just a few tools that you can start with, they’re still plenty more, but I think this is a good starting base to make your life easier.