First, create the repo locally git init --initial-branch=main newrepo.

Then go to github and create that same repo without a README. Now add the remote URL to your local repo git remote add origin

Now go to gitlab and do the same, create the repo without a README and copy the URL. This time name the remote something else: git remote add lab

And now here’s to command to push to all:

1git add . && git commit -m 'autopush' && git remote | xargs -L1 git push --all

The part that pushes to all remotes is the xargs bit, the previous part is just a faster way to do git add and git commit, obviously edit your commit message.

And that’s it, now you can push to as many remotes as you want. Now you’ll always have a backup of your repo just in case. Here’s a sample where I have three, github, gitlab, and my own [git server](git server):

all remotes